Uninstall products using the Remove utility
For some products, you can run the Remove ProductName utility in the Finder > Go > Applications > Autodesk folder. The Remove utility uninstalls both the application file and residual files.
- Locate the Remove <product name> utility in Finder > Go > Applications > Autodesk.
- Double-click Remove <product name> to uninstall a product, where product name is, for example, AutoCAD or AutoCAD LT.
If the Remove utility isn’t available for your software, follow the steps in the next section.
Uninstall products manually
- Uninstall all Autodesk programs by right-clicking the program icon and choosing Move To Trash.
- Open a Finder window and navigate to the root of the local hard drive and delete the following folders:
- /Library/Autodesk
- /Library/Application Support/Autodesk
- /Users/[username]/Adlm
- /Users/[username]/Library/Application Support/Autodesk
Note: The Library folder is usually hidden. To show it, click the Go menu in the Finder and hold down the Option key. - /Users/username/.flexlmrc
- /Library/Frameworks/Adlm.framework/
- /Applications/Autodesk/Adlm
- Navigate to the folder /Library/Preferences/Flexnet Publisher/FLEXnet and delete the files with the adskflex prefix.
- Find and delete the folder /Library/Application Support/Flexnet Publisher.
Important: Don’t delete this folder if you’re running Adobe products on your Mac. Adobe products also use FlexNet. Deleting this folder can cause problems if the Adobe products are still installed.