Showing posts with label indexing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label indexing. Show all posts

Sunday, May 7, 2023

Fix the Windows and Outlook “Indexing Is Paused” Error

Method-1: Registry Tweak



2. Press “Windows Search” on the left, then double-click “PreventIndexingOutlook” on the right.

3. If you don’t have “Windows Search,” you can create it by right-clicking “Windows -> Edit -> New -> Key.” Name it accordingly, then create the “PreventIndexingOutlook” value by right-clicking an empty space on the menu on the right and selecting “New -> DWORD Value (32- bit).”

4. Once created, double-click it to adjust the “Base” to “Hexadecimal” and change “Value data” to “1,” then click “OK.”

5. Reboot Computer

How to get Ranking of the Students in Excel using RANK Function

=RANK(number,ref,[order]) To rank in descending order, we will use the formula =RANK(B2,($C$5:$C$10),0) If we want unique ranks, we can use...