- 2
servers with the following specifications:
- 4 CPUs
- 32 GB RAM per server
- Tomcat Java options:
- Xms512M
- Xmx 20 G
- XX:MaxPermSize=256m
- XX:-DisableExplicitGC
- web.xml
- maxThreads=2 50
- 30 GB HDD space
- Servers must be load-balanced the load-balancer
must have:
- Session affinity: enabled
- Web server probe: recommended
- 4
servers with the following specifications
- 4 CPUs
- 16 GB RAM per server
- Tomcat Java Options:
- Xms512M
- Xmx1 0 G
- XX:MaxPermSize=256m
- XX:-DisableExplicitGC
- web.xml
- maxThreads= 125
- 30 GB HDD space
- Servers must be load-balanced the load-balancer
must have:
- Session affinity: enabled
- Web server probe : recommended
Part 03 : https://medium.com/p/bcde44232f59