PRODUCTNAME - Domain (Start Date - End Date)
e.g. Standard - (04/10/2010 - 03/10/2012)
Need to change it to the following:
PRODUCTNAME - Domain (Start Date - End Date)
e.g. Shared Hosting - Standard - (04/10/2010 - 03/10/2012)
Method -1:
Place the following script at the top of your /templates/<templatename>/viewinvoice.tpl:
foreach ($this->_tpl_vars['invoiceitems'] as $key => $value)
$result = mysql_query("SELECT (SELECT name FROM tblproductgroups WHERE gid = AS groupname FROM tblproducts WHERE name = '".sanitize(substr($value['description'], 0, strpos($value['description']." - ", " - ")))."'");
$data = mysql_fetch_array($result);
if(mysql_num_rows($result) == 1)
$this->_tpl_vars['invoiceitems'][$key]['description'] = $data['groupname']." - ".$value['description'];
Now place the following script at the top of your /templates/<templatename>/invoicepdf.tpl:
foreach ($invoiceitems as $key => $value)
$result = mysql_query("SELECT (SELECT name FROM tblproductgroups WHERE gid = AS groupname FROM tblproducts WHERE name = '".sanitize(substr($value['description'], 0, strpos($value['description']." - ", " - ")))."'");
$data = mysql_fetch_array($result);
if(mysql_num_rows($result) == 1)
$invoiceitems[$key]['description'] = $data['groupname']." - ".$value['description'];
Method -2:
Create a new .php file called invoices_productgroup.php in your action hooks directory (/includes/hooks/), and place the following code in it:
add_hook("InvoiceCreationPreEmail", 1, "invoice_productgroup");
function invoice_productgroup($vars)
$result = select_query("tblinvoiceitems","id,description",array("invoiceid" => $vars['invoiceid']));
while($data = mysql_fetch_array ($result))
$result2 = full_query("SELECT (SELECT name FROM tblproductgroups WHERE gid = AS groupname FROM tblproducts WHERE name = '".sanitize(substr($data['description'], 0, strpos($data['description']." - ", " - ")))."'");
$data2 = mysql_fetch_array($result2);
if(mysql_num_rows($result2) == 1)
update_query("tblinvoiceitems", array("description" => $data2['groupname']." - ".$data['description']), array("id" => $data['id']));
This will add the product group (if applicable) in front of the description from a new invoice.