The following are the different ways to install mongo-gui.
From npm:
Install the module globally using the command :
npm install -g mongo-gui
Then use the command to run the application
From github:
First of all, clone the mongo-gui repository using the command git clone or download the zip file from here.
Change the directory to mongo-gui
cd mongo-gui
Install all the dependencies npm install
Start the application using either
npm start or node server.js
Note: Node.js must be installed on your machine to run this application
From Docker Hub:
Docker compose
version: '3'
container_name: "mongo-gui"
image: ugleiton/mongo-gui
restart: always
- "4321:4321"
- MONGO_URL=mongodb://localhost:27017
Mongo GUI Usage
The commands mongo-gui and npm start or node server.js start the application with the following configuaration:
URL (-u): mongodb://localhost:27017
PORT (-p): 4321
and the application will be accesible at http://localhost:4321
To connect to any other mongodb instance, pass mongo connection string as an argument, eg:
Installed via npm: mongo-gui -u mongodb+srv://<username>:<password>@host/<dbnames>?retryWrites=true&w=majority'
Installed via github: (npm start --/node server.js) -u mongodb+srv://<username>:<password>@host/<dbnames>?retryWrites=true&w=majority'
Available options:
-u: url, mongo-gui tries to connect to this mongodb instance
-p: port, mongo-gui listens on this port