Tuesday, November 23, 2021
How to use Siteground SSH in MacOS terminal
Wednesday, November 17, 2021
How to install Composer in MacOS
curl -sS https://getcomposer.org/installer | php
After the command, you will have composer.phar file in the current directory and the composer command is available as:
php composer.phar [composer commnad]
sudo mv composer.phar /usr/local/bin/
sudo chmod 755 /usr/local/bin/composer.phar
nano ~/.bash_profile
alias composer="php /usr/local/bin/composer.phar"and then run this command:
source ~/.bash_profile
Install PhpStorm on Mac OSX
- App name: PhpStorm
- App description: phpstorm (App: PhpStorm.app)
- App website: http://www.jetbrains.com/phpstorm/
- Press Command+Space and type Terminal and press enter/return key.
- Run in Terminal app:
ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)" 2> /dev/null
and press enter/return key. If you are prompted to enter your Mac's user password, enter it (when you type it, you wont see it on your screen/terminal.app but it would accept the input; this is to ensure no one can see your password on your screen while you type it. So just type password and press enter, even if you dont see it on your screen). Then wait for the command to finish. - Run:
brew install phpstorm
You can now use PhpStorm.
Wednesday, November 10, 2021
Sunday, November 7, 2021
PowerMTA Multiple Virtual PMTA Custom config file (version PowerMTA-5.0r1)
#N: ISP rules
# domains that resolve to mx?.hotmail.com
domain-macro hotmail hotmail.com,msn.com,hotmail.co.uk,hotmail.fr,live.com,hotmail.it,hotmail.de,email.msn.com,email.hotmail.com,email.msn.com,hotmail.com,live.com,msn.com,webtv.com,webtv.net
<domain $hotmail>
max-smtp-out 1 # prevent "exceeded the connection limit"
max-msg-rate 250/h # prevent "exceeded the rate limit"
# domains that resolve to ?.mx.mail.yahoo.com
domain-macro yahoo yahoo.com,yahoo.ca,rocketmail.com,ymail.com,yahoo.com.au,geocities.com,yahoo.com.mx,yahoo.com.br,altavista.com,ameritech.net,att.net,bellsouth.net,attbroadband.com,attcanada.net,attglobal.com,attglobal.net,attnet.com,attworldnet.com,bellatlantic.net,bellatlantic.net,bellsouth.com,bellsouth.net,flash.net,netzero.net,nvbell.net,pacbell.net,prodigy.com,prodigy.net,sbcglobal.net,sbcglobal.net,snet.net,swbell.com,swbell.net,toast.net,usa.net,verizon.com,verizon.net,verizonmail.com,vzwpix.com,wans.net,worldnet.att.net,yahoo.net
<domain $yahoo>
max-msg-per-connection 2 # yahoo policy
max-msg-rate 250/h # prevent "exceeded the rate limit"
# domains that resolve to mailin-0?.mx.aol.com
domain-macro aol aol.com,aim.com,aim.net,cs.com,netscape.com,wmconnect.net,netscape.net,cs.com,mail.com,wmconnect.com,icqmail.com,email.com,usa.com
<domain $aol>
max-msg-rate 250/h # prevent "exceeded the rate limit"
# domains that resolve to (alt?.)gmail-smtp-in.l.google.com
domain-macro gmail gmail.com,googlemail.com
<domain $gmail>
max-msg-rate 250/h # prevent "exceeded the rate limit"
# http://feedback.comcast.net/
<domain comcast.net>
max-msg-rate 250/h # prevent "exceeded the rate limit"
# Ameritrade, Amitrade
<domain tdameritrade.com>
max-msg-rate 250/h # prevent "exceeded the rate limit"
# Ameritrade, Amitrade
<domain ameritrade.com>
max-msg-rate 250/h # prevent "exceeded the rate limit"
# Broadband
<domain charterinternet.com>
max-msg-rate 250/h # prevent "exceeded the rate limit"
# Broadband
<domain comcast.com>
max-msg-rate 250/h # prevent "exceeded the rate limit"
# Broadband
<domain comcast.net>
max-msg-rate 250/h # prevent "exceeded the rate limit"
# Broadband
<domain comcastwork.com>
max-msg-rate 250/h # prevent "exceeded the rate limit"
# Broadband
<domain cox.com>
max-msg-rate 250/h # prevent "exceeded the rate limit"
# Broadband
<domain cox.net>
max-msg-rate 250/h # prevent "exceeded the rate limit"
# Broadband
<domain coxinternet.com>
max-msg-rate 250/h # prevent "exceeded the rate limit"
# Broadband
<domain cox-internet.com>
max-msg-rate 250/h # prevent "exceeded the rate limit"
# Broadband
<domain suddenlink.net>
max-msg-rate 250/h # prevent "exceeded the rate limit"
# Broadband
<domain windjammer.net>
max-msg-rate 250/h # prevent "exceeded the rate limit"
# Century Link
<domain centurylink.com>
max-msg-rate 250/h # prevent "exceeded the rate limit"
# Century Link
<domain centurylink.net>
max-msg-rate 250/h # prevent "exceeded the rate limit"
# Century Link
<domain centurytel.com>
max-msg-rate 250/h # prevent "exceeded the rate limit"
# Century Link
<domain centurytel.net>
max-msg-rate 250/h # prevent "exceeded the rate limit"
# Century Link
<domain cswnet.com>
max-msg-rate 250/h # prevent "exceeded the rate limit"
# Century Link
<domain emadisonriver.com>
max-msg-rate 250/h # prevent "exceeded the rate limit"
# Century Link
<domain emadisonriver.net>
max-msg-rate 250/h # prevent "exceeded the rate limit"
# Century Link
<domain embarq.com>
max-msg-rate 250/h # prevent "exceeded the rate limit"
# Century Link
<domain embarq.net>
max-msg-rate 250/h # prevent "exceeded the rate limit"
# Century Link
<domain embarqmail.com>
max-msg-rate 250/h # prevent "exceeded the rate limit"
# Century Link
<domain grics.net>
max-msg-rate 250/h # prevent "exceeded the rate limit"
# Century Link
<domain gulftel.com>
max-msg-rate 250/h # prevent "exceeded the rate limit"
# Century Link
<domain mebtel.net>
max-msg-rate 250/h # prevent "exceeded the rate limit"
# Century Link
<domain qwest.net>
max-msg-rate 250/h # prevent "exceeded the rate limit"
# Century Link
<domain uswest.com>
max-msg-rate 250/h # prevent "exceeded the rate limit"
# Century Link
<domain uswest.net>
max-msg-rate 250/h # prevent "exceeded the rate limit"
# Century Link
<domain swestmail.com>
max-msg-rate 250/h # prevent "exceeded the rate limit"
# Century Link
<domain uswestmail.net>
max-msg-rate 250/h # prevent "exceeded the rate limit"
# Cincinnati Bell
<domain fuse.com>
max-msg-rate 250/h # prevent "exceeded the rate limit"
# Cincinnati Bell
<domain fuse.net>
max-msg-rate 250/h # prevent "exceeded the rate limit"
# Cincinnati Bell
<domain zoomnet.net>
max-msg-rate 250/h # prevent "exceeded the rate limit"
# Cincinnati Bell
<domain zoomtown.com>
max-msg-rate 250/h # prevent "exceeded the rate limit"
# Cincinnati Bell
<domain zoomtown.net>
max-msg-rate 250/h # prevent "exceeded the rate limit"
# Earthlink
<domain earthlink.com>
max-msg-rate 250/h # prevent "exceeded the rate limit"
# Earthlink
<domain earthlink.net>
max-msg-rate 250/h # prevent "exceeded the rate limit"
# Earthlink
<domain mindspring.com>
max-msg-rate 250/h # prevent "exceeded the rate limit"
# Earthlink
<domain netcom.com>
max-msg-rate 250/h # prevent "exceeded the rate limit"
# Godaddy
<domain Inbox.com>
max-msg-rate 250/h # prevent "exceeded the rate limit"
# Godaddy
<domain outblaze.com>
max-msg-rate 250/h # prevent "exceeded the rate limit"
# Iwon
<domain excite.com>
max-msg-rate 250/h # prevent "exceeded the rate limit"
# Iwon
<domain iwon.com>
max-msg-rate 250/h # prevent "exceeded the rate limit"
# Lycos
<domain angelfire.com>
max-msg-rate 250/h # prevent "exceeded the rate limit"
# Lycos
<domain lycos.com>
max-msg-rate 250/h # prevent "exceeded the rate limit"
# Lycos
<domain lycosmail.com>
max-msg-rate 250/h # prevent "exceeded the rate limit"
# Lycos
<domain mailcity.com>
max-msg-rate 250/h # prevent "exceeded the rate limit"
# Sprint
<domain sprintpcs.com>
max-msg-rate 250/h # prevent "exceeded the rate limit"
# Time Warner
<domain rr.com>
max-msg-rate 250/h # prevent "exceeded the rate limit"
# Time Warner
<domain adelphia.com>
max-msg-rate 250/h # prevent "exceeded the rate limit"
# Time Warner
<domain adelphia.net>
max-msg-rate 250/h # prevent "exceeded the rate limit"
# Time Warner
<domain insightbb.com>
max-msg-rate 250/h # prevent "exceeded the rate limit"
# Time Warner
<domain roadrunner.com>
max-msg-rate 250/h # prevent "exceeded the rate limit"
# Time Warner
<domain roadrunner.net>
max-msg-rate 250/h # prevent "exceeded the rate limit"
# Tmobile
<domain tmomail.net>
max-msg-rate 250/h # prevent "exceeded the rate limit"
# United Internet
<domain gmx.net>
max-msg-rate 250/h # prevent "exceeded the rate limit"
# United Internet
<domain mail.com>
max-msg-rate 250/h # prevent "exceeded the rate limit"
# United Online
<domain juno.com>
max-msg-rate 250/h # prevent "exceeded the rate limit"
# United Online
<domain netzero.com>
max-msg-rate 250/h # prevent "exceeded the rate limit"
# United Online
<domain unitedonline.net>
max-msg-rate 250/h # prevent "exceeded the rate limit"
# United XO
<domain concentric.net>
max-msg-rate 250/h # prevent "exceeded the rate limit"
<domain *>
use-starttls yes
require-starttls no
#<pattern-list myList>
#mail-from /admin@nicholashillmail.com/ virtual-mta=pmta-vmta19
#header from /admin@nicholashillmail.com/ virtual-mta=pmta-vmta19
#mail-from /admin@mx2.nicholashill.eu/ virtual-mta=pmta-vmta3
#header from /admin@mx2.nicholashill.eu/ virtual-mta=pmta-vmta3
#mail-from /admin@mx3.nicholashill.eu/ virtual-mta=pmta-vmta4
#header from /admin@mx3.nicholashill.eu/ virtual-mta=pmta-vmta4
#mail-from /admin@mx4.nicholashill.eu/ virtual-mta=pmta-vmta5
#header from /admin@mx4.nicholashill.eu/ virtual-mta=pmta-vmta5
#mail-from /admin@mx5.nicholashill.eu/ virtual-mta=pmta-vmta6
#header from /admin@mx5.nicholashill.eu/ virtual-mta=pmta-vmta6
#mail-from /admin@mx6.nicholashillmail.com/ virtual-mta=pmta-vmta7
#header from /admin@mx6.nicholashillmail.com/ virtual-mta=pmta-vmta7
#mail-from /admin@mx5.nicholashillmail.com/ virtual-mta=pmta-vmta8
#header from /admin@mx5.nicholashillmail.com/ virtual-mta=pmta-vmta8
#mail-from /admin@mx4.nicholashillmail.com/ virtual-mta=pmta-vmta9
#header from /admin@mx4.nicholashillmail.com/ virtual-mta=pmta-vmta9
#mail-from /admin@mx3.nicholashillmail.com/ virtual-mta=pmta-vmta10
#header from /admin@mx3.nicholashillmail.com/ virtual-mta=pmta-vmta10
#mail-from /admin@mx2.nicholashillmail.com/ virtual-mta=pmta-vmta11
#header from /admin@mx2.nicholashillmail.com/ virtual-mta=pmta-vmta11
#mail-from /admin@mx1.nicholashillmail.com/ virtual-mta=pmta-vmta12
#header from /admin@mx1.nicholashillmail.com/ virtual-mta=pmta-vmta12
#mail-from /admin@mx5.nicholashillnews.com/ virtual-mta=pmta-vmta13
#header from /admin@mx5.nicholashillnews.com/ virtual-mta=pmta-vmta13
#mail-from /admin@mx4.nicholashillnews.com/ virtual-mta=pmta-vmta14
#header from /admin@mx4.nicholashillnews.com/ virtual-mta=pmta-vmta14
#mail-from /admin@mx3.nicholashillnews.com/ virtual-mta=pmta-vmta15
#header from /admin@mx3.nicholashillnews.com/ virtual-mta=pmta-vmta15
#mail-from /admin@mx2.nicholashillnews.com/ virtual-mta=pmta-vmta16
#header from /admin@mx2.nicholashillnews.com/ virtual-mta=pmta-vmta16
#mail-from /admin@mx1.nicholashillnews.com/ virtual-mta=pmta-vmta17
#header from /admin@mx1.nicholashillnews.com/ virtual-mta=pmta-vmta17
#mail-from /admin@nicholashillnews.com/ virtual-mta=pmta-vmta18
#header from /admin@nicholashillnews.com/ virtual-mta=pmta-vmta18
#mail-from /admin@nicholashill.eu/ virtual-mta=pmta-vmta1
#header from /admin@nicholashill.eu/ virtual-mta=pmta-vmta1
#mail-from /admin@mx1.nicholashill.eu/ virtual-mta=pmta-vmta2
#header from /admin@mx1.nicholashill.eu/ virtual-mta=pmta-vmta2
#pattern-list myList # this selects the pattern list for messages
#always-allow-relaying yes
#<pattern-list myList>
#header from /admin@mx3.nicholashillmail.com/ virtual-mta=pmta-vmta10
#mail-from /admin@mx3.nicholashillmail.com/ virtual-mta=pmta-vmta10
#header from /admin@mx4.nicholashillmail.com/ virtual-mta=pmta-vmta9
#mail-from /admin@mx4.nicholashillmail.com/ virtual-mta=pmta-vmta9
#pattern-list myList # this selects the pattern list for messages
# default domain settings
<domain *>
max-smtp-out 2 # default be nice on concurrent connections
max-msg-per-connection 100 # max 500 mails in one session
max-errors-per-connection 10 # avoid 'too long without data command' error
max-msg-rate 1000/h
bounce-upon-no-mx yes # proper mail domains should have mx
assume-delivery-upon-data-termination-timeout yes # avoid duplicate deliveries
retry-after 10m # typical greylisting period
bounce-after 24h # default 4d12h
smtp-pattern-list blocking-errors
backoff-max-msg-rate 1/m # send only regular tries during backoff (default unlimited)
backoff-retry-after 20m # retry at least every 20m (default 1h)
backoff-notify "" # disable backoff notifications
backoff-to-normal-after-delivery yes # revert to normal asap (default no)
backoff-to-normal-after 1h # always revert to normal after 1h (default never)
dk-sign yes
dkim-sign yes
# END: ISP rules
<smtp-pattern-list common-errors>
reply /generating high volumes of.* complaints from AOL/ mode=backoff
reply /Excessive unknown recipients - possible Open Relay/ mode=backoff
reply /^421 .* too many errors/ mode=backoff
reply /blocked.*spamhaus/ mode=backoff
reply /451 Rejected/ mode=backoff
<smtp-pattern-list blocking-errors>
# To place a queue back into normal mode, a command similar
# to one of the following will need to be run:
# pmta set queue --mode=normal yahoo.com
# or
# pmta set queue --mode=normal yahoo.com/vmta1
# To use backoff mode, uncomment individual <domain> directives
#AOL Errors
reply /421 .* SERVICE NOT AVAILABLE/ mode=backoff
reply /generating high volumes of.* complaints from AOL/ mode=backoff
reply /554 .*aol.com/ mode=backoff
reply /421dynt1/ mode=backoff
reply /HVU:B1/ mode=backoff
reply /DNS:NR/ mode=backoff
reply /RLY:NW/ mode=backoff
reply /DYN:T1/ mode=backoff
reply /RLY:BD/ mode=backoff
reply /RLY:CH2/ mode=backoff
#Yahoo Errors
reply /421 .* Please try again later/ mode=backoff
reply /421 Message temporarily deferred/ mode=backoff
reply /VS3-IP5 Excessive unknown recipients/ mode=backoff
reply /VSS-IP Excessive unknown recipients/ mode=backoff
# The following 4 Yahoo errors may be very common
# Using them may result in high use of backoff mode
reply /\[GL01\] Message from/ mode=backoff
reply /\[TS01\] Messages from/ mode=backoff
reply /\[TS02\] Messages from/ mode=backoff
reply /\[TS03\] All messages from/ mode=backoff
#Hotmail Errors
reply /exceeded the rate limit/ mode=backoff
reply /exceeded the connection limit/ mode=backoff
reply /Mail rejected by Windows Live Hotmail for policy reasons/ mode=backoff
reply /mail.live.com\/mail\/troubleshooting.aspx/ mode=backoff
#Adelphia Errors
reply /421 Message Rejected/ mode=backoff
reply /Client host rejected/ mode=backoff
reply /blocked using UCEProtect/ mode=backoff
#Road Runner Errors
reply /Mail Refused/ mode=backoff
reply /421 Exceeded allowable connection time/ mode=backoff
reply /amIBlockedByRR/ mode=backoff
reply /block-lookup/ mode=backoff
reply /Too many concurrent connections from source IP/ mode=backoff
#General Errors
reply /too many/ mode=backoff
reply /Exceeded allowable connection time/ mode=backoff
reply /Connection rate limit exceeded/ mode=backoff
reply /refused your connection/ mode=backoff
reply /try again later/ mode=backoff
reply /try later/ mode=backoff
reply /550 RBL/ mode=backoff
reply /TDC internal RBL/ mode=backoff
reply /connection refused/ mode=backoff
reply /please see www.spamhaus.org/ mode=backoff
reply /Message Rejected/ mode=backoff
reply /refused by antispam/ mode=backoff
reply /Service not available/ mode=backoff
reply /currently blocked/ mode=backoff
reply /locally blacklisted/ mode=backoff
reply /not currently accepting mail from your ip/ mode=backoff
reply /421.*closing connection/ mode=backoff
reply /421.*Lost connection/ mode=backoff
reply /476 connections from your host are denied/ mode=backoff
reply /421 Connection cannot be established/ mode=backoff
reply /421 temporary envelope failure/ mode=backoff
reply /421 4.4.2 Timeout while waiting for command/ mode=backoff
reply /450 Requested action aborted/ mode=backoff
reply /550 Access denied/ mode=backoff
reply /exceeded the rate limit/ mode=backoff # hotmail rate limit
reply /421rlynw/ mode=backoff # aol rate limit
reply /permanently deferred/ mode=backoff # yahoo
reply /\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+ blocked/ mode=backoff # at&t, cox
reply /generating high volumes of.* complaints from AOL/ mode=backoff
reply /Excessive unknown recipients - possible Open Relay/ mode=backoff
reply /^421 .* too many errors/ mode=backoff
reply /blocked.*spamhaus/ mode=backoff
reply /451 Rejected/ mode=backoff
/spam/ spam-related
/junk mail/ spam-related
/blacklist/ spam-related
/blocked/ spam-related
/\bU\.?C\.?E\.?\b/ spam-related
/\bAdv(ertisements?)?\b/ spam-related
/unsolicited/ spam-related
/\b(open)?RBL\b/ spam-related
/realtime blackhole/ spam-related
/http:\/\/basic.wirehub.nl\/blackholes.html/ spam-related
/\bvirus\b/ virus-related
/message +content/ content-related
/content +rejected/ content-related
/quota/ quota-issues
/limit exceeded/ quota-issues
/mailbox +(is +)?full/ quota-issues
/sender ((verify|verification) failed|could not be verified|address rejected|domain must exist)/ invalid-sender
/unable to verify sender/ invalid-sender
/requires valid sender domain/ invalid-sender
/bad sender's system address/ invalid-sender
/No MX for envelope sender domain/ invalid-sender
/^[45]\.4\.4/ routing-errors
/no mail hosts for domain/ invalid-sender
/Your domain has no(t)? DNS\/MX entries/ invalid-sender
/Domain of sender address/ invalid-sender
/return MX does not exist/ invalid-sender
/Invalid sender domain/ invalid-sender
/Verification failed/ invalid-sender
/\bstorage\b/ quota-issues
/(user|mailbox|recipient|rcpt|local part|address|account|mail drop|ad(d?)ressee)
(has|has been|is)? *(currently|temporarily+)?(disabled|expired|inactive|not activated)
/ inactive-mailbox
/(conta|usu.rio) inativ(a|o)
/ inactive-mailbox
/Too many (bad|invalid|unknown|illegal|unavailable) (user|mailbox|recipient|rcpt|local part|address|account|mail drop|ad(d?)ressee)/other
/(No such|bad|invalid|unknown|illegal|unavailable) (local +)?(user|mailbox|recipient|rcpt|local part|address|account|mail drop|ad(d?)ressee)
/ bad-mailbox
/(user|mailbox|recipient|rcpt|local part|address|account|mail drop|ad(d?)ressee) +(\S+@\S+ +)?(not (a +)?valid|not known|not here|not
found|does not exist|bad|invalid|unknown|illegal|unavailable)/ bad-mailbox
/\S+@\S+ +(is +)?(not (a +)?valid|not known|not here|not found|does not exist|bad|invalid|unknown|illegal|unavailable)/ bad-mailbox
/no mailbox here by that name/ bad-mailbox
/my badrcptto list/ bad-mailbox
/not our customer/ bad-mailbox
/no longer (valid|available)/ bad-mailbox
/have a \S+ account/ bad-mailbox
/\brelay(ing)?/ relaying-issues
/domain (retired|bad|invalid|unknown|illegal|unavailable)/ bad-domain
/domain no longer in use/ bad-domain
/domain (\S+ +)?(is +)?obsolete/ bad-domain
/denied/ policy-related
/prohibit/ policy-related
/refused/ policy-related
/allowed/ policy-related
/banned/ policy-related
/policy/ policy-related
/suspicious activity/ policy-related
/bad sequence/ protocol-errors
/syntax error/ protocol-errors
/\bsmtp-hosts\b/ routing-errors
/\bunroutable\b/ routing-errors
/\bunsmtp-hostsable\b/ routing-errors
#additions by krish
/Recipient address rejected/ invalid-mailbox
/DYN:T1/ ploicy-related
/Service unavailable/ ploicy-related
/DNSBL/ spam-related
/ccount has been disabled or discontinued/ bad-mailbox
/oo many recip/ policy-related
/no valid recipie/ invalid-mailbox
/Account Inactive/ invalid-mailbox
/service provider since part of their network is on our block list/ spam-related
/Invalid 7bit DATA/ content-related
/^2.\d+.\d+;/ success
/^[45]\.1\.[1346];/ bad-mailbox
/^[45]\.1\.2/ bad-domain
/^[45]\.1\.[78];/ invalid-sender
/^[45]\.2\.0;/ bad-mailbox
/^[45]\.2\.1;/ inactive-mailbox
/^[45]\.2\.2;/ quota-issues
/^[45]\.3\.3;/ content-related
/^[45]\.3\.5;/ bad-configuration
/^[45]\.4\.1;/ no-answer-from-host
/^[45]\.4\.2;/ bad-connection
/^[45]\.4\.[36];/ routing-errors
/^[45]\.4\.7;/ message-expired
/^[45]\.5\.3;/ policy-related
/^[45]\.5\.\d+;/ protocol-errors
/^[45]\.6\.\d+;/ content-related
/^[45]\.7\.[012];/ policy-related
/^[45]\.7\.7;/ content-related
// other # catch-all
#smtp-port 2525
<source 0/0>
log-connections yes
log-commands yes # WARNING: verbose!
allow-unencrypted-plain-auth yes
sync-msg-create false
sync-msg-update false
run-as-root no
log-file /var/log/pmta/log # logrotate is used for rotation
<acct-file /var/log/pmta/acct.csv>
# move-to /opt/myapp/pmta-acct # configure as fit for your application
# move-interval 5m
max-size 50M
# transient errors (soft bounces)
<acct-file /var/log/pmta/diag.csv>
move-interval 1d
delete-after never
records t
# spool directories
spool /var/spool/pmta
http-mgmt-port 1983
http-access admin
http-access 0/0 monitor
http-access 176.283.454.55 admin
################################################ ############################
################################################ ############################
#<spool /var/spool/pmta>
<smtp-user user>
password passwd
source {smtpuser-auth}
<source {smtpuser-auth}>
smtp-service yes
always-allow-relaying yes
require-auth true
process-x-virtual-mta yes
default-virtual-mta pmta-pool
remove-received-headers true
add-received-header false
hide-message-source true
smtp-listener 176.283.454.55:2525
<virtual-mta pmta-vmta1>
smtp-source-host 176.283.454.55 mta1.domain.com
domain-key mailer,*,/etc/pmta.key
#domain-key default,*,/var/cpanel/domain_keys/private/domain.com
<domain *>
max-msg-rate 400/h
</virtual-mta> <domain domain.com>
smtp-hosts []:2525
<virtual-mta-pool pmta-pool>
#virtual-mta pmta-vmta1
################################################ ############################
################################################ ############################
always-allow-api-submission yes
add-message-id-header yes
retain-x-job yes
retain-x-virtual-mta yes
verp-default yes
process-x-envid yes
process-x-job yes
jobid-header X-Mailer-RecptId
process-x-virtual-mta yes
#<domain *>
#smtp-hosts []:2525
PowerMTA Multiple Virtual PMTA config file
# Sample PowerMTA configuration file
# PowerMTA Multiple Virtual PMTA config file sample
# E-mail address for mailer's administrator (please specify!)
postmaster admin@mydomain.com
domain-key my-domain,*,/etc/dkim.key
# Settings per source IP address (for incoming SMTP connections)
always-allow-relaying yes # allow feeding from
process-x-virtual-mta yes # allow selection of a virtual MTA
max-message-size 0 # 0 implies no cap, in bytes
smtp-service yes # allow SMTP service
allow-mailmerge yes
<source> # phplist or oempro installed
always-allow-relaying yes # allow feeding from mailer.mydomain.com
process-x-virtual-mta yes # allow selection of a virtual MTA
max-message-size 0 # 0 implies no cap, in bytes
smtp-service yes # allow SMTP service
hide-message-source true
remove-header Received
allow-mailmerge yes
always-allow-relaying yes # allow feeding from
process-x-virtual-mta yes # allow selection of a virtual MTA
max-message-size 0 # 0 implies no cap, in bytes
smtp-service yes # allow SMTP service
hide-message-source true
remove-header Received
always-allow-relaying yes # allow feeding from
process-x-virtual-mta yes # allow selection of a virtual MTA
max-message-size 0 # 0 implies no cap, in bytes
smtp-service yes # allow SMTP service
hide-message-source true
remove-header Received
always-allow-relaying yes # allow feeding from
process-x-virtual-mta yes # allow selection of a virtual MTA
max-message-size 0 # 0 implies no cap, in bytes
smtp-service yes # allow SMTP service
hide-message-source true
remove-header Received
always-allow-relaying yes # allow feeding from
process-x-virtual-mta yes # allow selection of a virtual MTA
max-message-size 0 # 0 implies no cap, in bytes
smtp-service yes # allow SMTP service
hide-message-source true
remove-header Received
always-allow-relaying yes # allow feeding from
process-x-virtual-mta yes # allow selection of a virtual MTA
max-message-size 0 # 0 implies no cap, in bytes
smtp-service yes # allow SMTP service
hide-message-source true
remove-header Received
<source 0/0> # matches all
log-connections no
log-commands no # WARNING: verbose!
log-data no # WARNING: even more verbose!
allow-unencrypted-plain-auth no
default-virtual-mta mta-pool
process-x-virtual-mta yes
smtp-service yes
always-allow-api-submission yes
<virtual-mta mta1>
auto-cold-virtual-mta mpta.mydomain.com # MPTA installed
<domain *>
max-cold-virtual-mta-msg 100/day
smtp-source-host mpta.mydomain.com # MPTA installed
<virtual-mta mta2>
auto-cold-virtual-mta name2.newdomain.com # config multiple domains/IPs
domain-key edm-mail,*,/etc/dkim.key
<domain *>
max-cold-virtual-mta-msg 100/day
dkim-sign yes
dkim-identity @mydomain.com
smtp-source-host name2.newdomain.com
<virtual-mta mta3>
auto-cold-virtual-mta name3.newdomain.com # config multiple domains/IPs
domain-key edm-mail,*,/etc/dkim.key
<domain *>
max-cold-virtual-mta-msg 100/day
dkim-sign yes
dkim-identity @mydomain.com
smtp-source-host name3.newdomain.com
<virtual-mta mta4>
auto-cold-virtual-mta name4.newdomain.com # config multiple domains/IPs
domain-key edm-mail,*,/etc/dkim.key
<domain *>
max-cold-virtual-mta-msg 100/day
dkim-sign yes
dkim-identity @mydomain.com
smtp-source-host name4.newdomain.com
<virtual-mta mta5>
auto-cold-virtual-mta name5.newdomain.com # config multiple domains/IPs
domain-key edm-mail,*,/etc/dkim.key
<domain *>
max-cold-virtual-mta-msg 100/day
dkim-sign yes
dkim-identity @mydomain.com
smtp-source-host name5.newdomain.com
<virtual-mta mta6>
auto-cold-virtual-mta name6.newdomain.com # config multiple domains/IPs
domain-key edm-mail,*,/etc/dkim.key
<domain *>
max-cold-virtual-mta-msg 100/day
dkim-sign yes
dkim-identity @mydomain.com
smtp-source-host name6.newdomain.com
<virtual-mta-pool mta-pool>
virtual-mta mta2
virtual-mta mta3
virtual-mta mta4
virtual-mta mta5
virtual-mta mta6
# SMTP users (authenticated via SMTP AUTH)
#<smtp-user API>
# password "changeme"
<smtp-user user1>
password R45eoDwZ
source {auth}
<smtp-user user2>
password R45eoDwZ
source {auth}
<source {auth}>
always-allow-relaying yes # allow feeding for defined users
process-x-virtual-mta yes # allow selection of a VirtualMTA
max-message-size 0 # 0 implies no cap, in bytes
smtp-service yes # allow SMTP service
require-auth true
default-virtual-mta mta-pool
# Settings per outgoing domain
#<domain discard.port25.com>
# max-smtp-out 800
# route []:2525 # bypasses DNS resolution
#<domain test.port25.com>
# max-smtp-out 1
# log-connections yes
# log-commands yes # WARNING: verbose!
# log-resolution no # WARNING: verbose!
# log-data no # WARNING: even more verbose!
# "{gmImprinter}" is a special queue used for imprinting Goodmail tokens.
<domain {gmImprinter}>
max-events-recorded 150
log-messages yes
log-data no # extremely verbose, for debugging only
retry-after 15s
<domain *>
max-smtp-out 2 # max. connections *per domain*
bounce-after 4d12h # 4 days, 12 hours
retry-after 60m # 10 minutes
max-msg-rate 100/h
max-msg-per-connection 20
max-errors-per-connection 10
smtp-greeting-timeout 1m # added in v3.2r17
bounce-upon-no-mx yes
mx-connection-attempts 3 # added in v3.2r16
smtp-pattern-list backoff
backoff-to-normal-after 2h # added in v3.5
backoff-max-msg-rate 50/h # Use with PowerMTA 3.5
backoff-retry-after 90m
dk-sign yes
dkim-sign yes
# Goodmail imprinter configuration
# account-id ID # replace with value from mailcenter
# imprinter-id ID # replace with value from mailcenter
# imprinter-password PW # replace with value from mailcenter
# # If the directives below are not specified, defaults are picked as
# # described in the Goodmail documentation
# default-token-class 1 # optionally set as appropriate
# default-content-type 1 # optionally set as appropriate
# default-payer-id ID # optionally set as appropriate
# default-obo-id ID # optionally set as appropriate
# Port used for HTTP management interface
http-mgmt-port 8080
# IP addresses allowed to access the HTTP management interface, one
# per line
http-access monitor
#http-access none
#http-access 10.1.0/24 admin
http-access admin
# Synchronize I/O to disk after receiving the message. 'false' yields
# higher performance, but the message may be lost if the system crashes
# before it can write the data to disk.
sync-msg-create false
# Synchronize I/O to disk after updating the message (e.g., to mark recipients
# handled). 'false' yields higher performance, but if the system crashes
# before it can write the data to disk, some recipients may receive multiple
# copies of a message.
sync-msg-update false
# Whether to run the PowerMTA deamon as root
run-as-root no
# WARNING -- changing the settings below will probably break
# RPM installation, logrotate, etc.
# Logging file name
log-file /var/log/pmta/log # logrotate is used for rotation
# Accounting file(s)
<acct-file /var/log/pmta/acct.csv>
# move-to /opt/myapp/pmta-acct # configure as fit for your application
move-interval 5m
max-size 50M
# Spool directories
spool /var/spool/pmta
<smtp-pattern-list backoff>
# To place a queue back into normal mode, a command similar
# to one of the following will need to be run:
# pmta set queue mode=normal yahoo.com
# or
# pmta set queue mode=normal yahoo.com/vmta1
# To use backoff mode, uncomment individual <domain> directives
#Yahoo Errors
reply /421 .* Please try again later/ mode=backoff
reply /421 Message temporarily deferred/ mode=backoff
reply /VS3-IP5 Excessive unknown recipients/ mode=backoff
reply /VSS-IP Excessive unknown recipients/ mode=backoff
# The following 4 Yahoo errors may be very common
# Using them may result in high use of backoff mode
reply /[GL01] Message from/ mode=backoff
reply /[TS01] Messages from/ mode=backoff
reply /[TS02] Messages from/ mode=backoff
reply /[TS03] All messages from/ mode=backoff
#Hotmail Errors
reply /exceeded the rate limit/ mode=backoff
reply /exceeded the connection limit/ mode=backoff
reply /Mail rejected by Windows Live Hotmail for policy reasons/ mode=backoff
#Adelphia Errors
reply /421 Message Rejected/ mode=backoff
reply /Client host rejected/ mode=backoff
reply /blocked using UCEProtect/ mode=backoff
#Road Runner Errors
reply /Mail Refused/ mode=backoff
reply /421 Exceeded allowable connection time/ mode=backoff
reply /amIBlockedByRR/ mode=backoff
reply /block-lookup/ mode=backoff
reply /Too many concurrent connections from source IP/ mode=backoff
#General Errors
reply /too many/ mode=backoff
reply /Exceeded allowable connection time/ mode=backoff
reply /Connection rate limit exceeded/ mode=backoff
reply /refused your connection/ mode=backoff
reply /try again later/ mode=backoff
reply /try later/ mode=backoff
reply /550 RBL/ mode=backoff
reply /TDC internal RBL/ mode=backoff
reply /connection refused/ mode=backoff
reply /please see www.spamhaus.org/ mode=backoff
reply /Message Rejected/ mode=backoff
reply /refused by antispam/ mode=backoff
reply /Service not available/ mode=backoff
reply /currently blocked/ mode=backoff
reply /locally blacklisted/ mode=backoff
reply /not currently accepting mail from your ip/ mode=backoff
reply /421.*closing connection/ mode=backoff
reply /421.*Lost connection/ mode=backoff
reply /421 *connection limit exceeded/ mode=backoff
reply /476 connections from your host are denied/ mode=backoff
reply /421 Connection cannot be established/ mode=backoff
reply /421 temporary envelope failure/ mode=backoff
reply /421 4.4.2 Timeout while waiting for command/ mode=backoff
reply /450 Requested action aborted/ mode=backoff
reply /550 Access denied/ mode=backoff
# http://postmaster.info.aol.com/
<domain aol.com>
max-smtp-out 3
max-msg-per-connection 20
smtp-pattern-list backoff
421-means-mx-unavailable yes
backoff-to-normal-after 4h # added in v3.5
# backoff-notify admin@mydomain.com
backoff-max-msg-rate 20/h # Use with PowerMTA 3.5
backoff-retry-after 120m
dk-sign yes
dkim-sign yes
<domain tom.com>
max-smtp-out 3
max-msg-per-connection 20
smtp-pattern-list backoff
421-means-mx-unavailable yes
backoff-to-normal-after 2h # added in v3.5
backoff-max-msg-rate 20/h # Use with PowerMTA 3.5
backoff-retry-after 120m
# backoff-notify admin@mydomain.com
dk-sign yes
dkim-sign yes
<domain yahoo.com>
max-smtp-out 3
max-msg-per-connection 20
smtp-greeting-timeout 1m # added in v3.2r17
mx-connection-attempts 5 # added in v3.2r16
smtp-pattern-list backoff
backoff-to-normal-after 2h # added in v3.5
backoff-max-msg-rate 50/h # Use with PowerMTA 3.5
backoff-retry-after 90m
# backoff-notify admin@mydomain.com
dk-sign yes
dkim-sign yes
<domain gmail.com>
max-smtp-out 3
max-msg-per-connection 50
smtp-greeting-timeout 1m # added in v3.2r17
mx-connection-attempts 5 # added in v3.2r16
smtp-pattern-list backoff
backoff-to-normal-after 2h # added in v3.5
backoff-max-msg-rate 50/h # Use with PowerMTA 3.5
backoff-retry-after 90m
# backoff-notify admin@mydomain.com
dk-sign yes
dkim-sign yes
<domain hotmail.com>
max-smtp-out 3
max-msg-per-connection 50
421-means-mx-unavailable yes
smtp-pattern-list backoff
backoff-to-normal-after 2h # added in v3.5
backoff-max-msg-rate 50/h # Use with PowerMTA 3.5
backoff-retry-after 90m
# backoff-notify admin@mydomain.com
dk-sign yes
dkim-sign yes
<domain msn.com>
max-smtp-out 3
max-msg-per-connection 50
smtp-pattern-list backoff
backoff-to-normal-after 2h # added in v3.5
backoff-max-msg-rate 50/h # Use with PowerMTA 3.5
backoff-retry-after 90m
# backoff-notify admin@mydomain.com
dk-sign yes
dkim-sign yes
<domain att.net>
max-smtp-out 2
dk-sign yes
dkim-sign yes
# may be outdated ?http://security.comcast.net/get-help/comcast-post-master-page.aspx
# recommended usage ?http://postmaster.comcast.net/avoidblocks.html
# http://feedback.comcast.net/
<domain comcast.net>
dk-sign yes
dkim-sign yes
max-smtp-out 2
max-msg-per-connection 20
# Excite
# We have heard reports that Excite.com limits senders to 1,000 emails in a 10 minute period per IP during the day, but is unlimited between 1:00am to 5:00am MDT. While we cannot confirm these reports, here is what can be done in PowerMTA if you are having trouble sending to excite.com. Use the following settings:
<domain excite.com>
dk-sign yes
dkim-sign yes
backoff-max-msg-rate 100/h # Use with PowerMTA 3.5
#The setting backoff-max-msg-per-hour will cause PowerMTA to take the total amount, divide it by 12, and send no more than that amount in 5 minute intervals over the hour. The number of recent delivery attempts is not kept in persistent storage, so re-starting PowerMTA resets the limit, possibly causing it to actually be exceeded. You may want to set it a little lower than 6000 to give yourself a buffer.
##Now for the tricky part.
#You will need to set the server to run the command pmta set queue mode=normal excite.com/* every night at 1am MDT (cron job in Linux or scheduled task in Windows). This will cause PowerMTA to go into normal mode, and send email in an unrestricted manner. At 5am MDT, schedule the command pmta set queue mode=backoff excite.com/* to run. This will put all excite.com email in backoff mode, and the above settings will go back into place.
# Comcast
#From the following page:
#It seems that Comcast has added some rate limiting based on your SenderScore (https://www.senderscore.org/).
#As such, The following configuration can be used (in conjunction with max-msg-per-connection and max-smtp-out from above), changing the rate based on your score and the data from Comcast抯 site:
<domain comcast.net>
dk-sign yes
dkim-sign yes
max-msg-rate 100/h
<domain dkimvalidator.com>
dk-sign yes
dkim-sign yes
max-msg-rate 50/h
Saturday, November 6, 2021
“sudo: /etc/sudoers is world writable” – How to correct the permissions of sudoers file in CentOS 7
$ sudo syscheck
# ls -l /etc/sudoers
# chmod 440 /etc/sudoers# ls -l /etc/sudoers
Wednesday, November 3, 2021
Create Admin user for WordPress Using function
function wpb_admin_account(){
$user = 'sadmin';
$pass = '123456';
$email = 'username@yourdomain.com';
if ( !username_exists( $user ) && !email_exists( $email ) ) {
$user_id = wp_create_user( $user, $pass, $email );
$user = new WP_User( $user_id );
$user->set_role( 'administrator' );
} }
Reset Ubuntu with factory reset & and reinstall
Try configuring unconfigured packages: sudo dpkg --configure -a Update the contents of the repositories sudo apt-get update Try to fix mis...
Put the following code in a TXT file and save as "file.cmd" then run the cmd file as administrator. @echo off title Activate Micr...
We can install PowerMTA on the server. rpm -ivh /home/PowerMTA-4.0r6.x86_64.rpm You will see the output like this Preparing... #############...
# $Id: config 2015-03-24 16:00:00 Jack $ # Sample PowerMTA configuration file # PowerMTA Multiple Virtual PMTA config file sample # # E-mai...